Age of Sigmar: Lizardmen, Wood Elves & More Background

There is new set of info doing the rounds on the “new” races in Age of Sigmar, and what they have been up to since the Old World blew up!
pics via Kenny Lull (twitter)
So, now we know what happened to the Wood Elves who Lileath put into the “escape pod” at the end of End Times Khaine. It looks like the Lizardmen flew into space, and have a fleet of Slann space -pyramids that they use to dart in and out of the 9 realms as they strike against Chaos. I’m loving it and and would like to coin the phrase “Space-pyramid-dinos”.
While we’re talking about it, its time to start chronicling the Age of Sigmar Changes. That means Lexicanum Loremasters are needed!
Lexicanum – Warhammer
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So come on in, join the wiki, and contribute. The New Age is upon us!
~More on the new races as we get it – including the fate of Slaanesh…next week