Atlantis Miniatures: Unleashes Orc Horde On Kickstarter

Upstart minis company Atlantis Miniatures is currently on Kickstarter looking to fund a very impressive range of 28mm orc, goblin, and troll miniatures.
Atlantis Miniatures- 28mm Goblins,Orcs and Trolls
This wide variety of greenskins are sure to look fantastic on the table no matter what system you play, and are just in time for the Kings of War 2.0 hype.
Models include everything from lowly goblin warriors to orc war chiefs riding massive wyverns. Some of the trolls and giants are particularly imposing, reaching around 135mm at eye level. The range is already over $10k past the original $22,000 funding goal with plenty of time left on the clock. The Kickstarter has many different combo packs and bundles to choose from, depending on if you just want a squad or two or a significantly more massive horde.
Anyone thinking about picking up some of these greenskins? What do you plan on doing with them?