Baleful Realmgates & Ophidian Archway Rules

The new kits arrived with more FREE rules from Games Workshop. Come take a look at what is coming to a tabletop near you.
Nestled quietly into the GW website are the links to the new model’s rules. The Age of Sigmar app and the Scenery PDF doens’t look to have been updated with these as of yet so take a look!
Baleful Realmgates Rules (pdf)
Ophidian Archway Rules (pdf)
OK, the Baleful Realmgates seem like they could open up all kinds of neat battlefield strategies – if you have a handful of them to scatter around the various mission objectives. It’s a neat set of terrain, as the Realmgates allow “hide and seek” movement tricks and would be most beneficial to a normally tough, slow army. They also enhance the powers of having Wizards in your army. On the other hand the Ophidian Archway rewards you for fielding Heroes in your force and offers static, defensive (but dangerous) bonuses.
Overall I like the concepts of terrain kits having this level of interaction on the tabletop, as opposed to the normal “its cover” or “its a gun” type of thing. I could see Games Workshop making things of this nature for 40K, and would welcome it.
~ Have at it!