Behold the GLORY of the Lord Celestant, Liberators & Book!

Here they come! The first wave of new Age of Sigmar minis and books is on the way in glorious detail! Come See!
First of all the book is intriguing – an interesting departure from the norm for GW. 1 week after Age of Sigmar ships we get a big followup book that is more background than anything else, but with just enough new units and missions to keep it enticing. It seems closest to a hardcover version of some of the big 40K Shield of Baal style campaign books. For GW to put this out right away to begin to flesh out the lore and fluff of the universe instead of the expected “big rulebook” should tell everyone we are in new uncharted waters here.
On the minis front, strangely I find the Lord Celestant to be the least interesting of the two. The model is good – there is no denying that and I LOVE the “Hammertime” trim on his cape. But it is the build flexibility of the Liberators that seals the deal for me. A kit that lets you build the entire unit with FOUR weapon options is very cool indeed! This clearly meant to be the “bread and butter” kit for the Sigmar faction and they look great.
Looking good, what do you think of the new Stormclad visual style? Going to be as popular as Space Marines?