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BoLS Review: Bolt Action – Armies of Germany

2 Minute Read
Jul 3 2015
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Armies of Germany Bolt Action


BoLS takes a crack at the Armies of Germany book from Bolt Action – Here comes the Blitzkrieg!

Here’s our Video breakdown:


Armies of Germany $24.95

Armies of Germany Spread




This book provides Bolt Action players with all of the information they need to field the military forces of Germany. Detailed army lists allow players to construct German armies for any theatre and any year of the war, including the early campaigns in Poland and France, the dusty tank war in the North African desert, the bloody battles on the Eastern Front, and the final defence of Normandy, occupied France and Germany itself. With dozens of different unit types including Fallschirmjager, Waffen-SS, and the dreaded Tiger tank, players can assemble a huge variety of troops with which to battle their opponents.


The book is super high quality and chalk full of interesting historical tidbits as well as the impressive army artwork from Osprey. It’s worth picking up even if you’re not playing Bolt Action! The main book has a basic rundown for the German Army but this book expands the options and shows off some new fronts/campaigns. If you are a Bolt Action player it’s still worth looking into and if you’re already playing a German Army this book is a must have.


See you on the battlefield, Commanders!


Author: Adam Harrison
  • WW2 Hobby: Jakob Lotz’s German Bison Conversion