GEEKERY: Let them eat AWESOME cake!

Vin Diesel celebrated his latest birthday with an edible set of D&D 3rd edition books, which got me thinking about cake…
… delicious awesomely nerdy cake. Here are some of my favorites:
Ace of Cake’s Giant Red Squig from Baltimore Games Day 2009… carved for cosumption:
An edible Sigmar Unberogen by Jonas of Comic Bakery
This confection worthy of Kommandant Gurvaldt Irusk by Bethbot
The Millennium Falcon from one of the BoLS writer’s nuptuals – it was tasty
If you’ve ever felt the need to eat William Shatner’s head, Spense has you covered.
And last, but definitely not least, this amazing Storm Trooper by Amanda Oakleaf Cakes…
Whaddaya got? Show off your favorite geek confections in the comments!