GW Weekly Releases – Minis First Look!

Another week has passed, and Sigmar’s celestial forge just keeps cranking out reinforcements for his eternal armies! Take a look:
Stormcast Eternal Judicators
This multi-part plastic kit gives you everything necessary to build five Stormcast Eternal Judicators, with the option of assembling one as a Judicator Prime. A total of seventeen weapons are in the box – arm your miniatures with either long-range skybolt bows, or the rapid -fire boltstorm crossbow and storm gladius; five of each combination are included. As well as this, the kit includes a shockbolt bow and a thunderbolt crossbow, heavy versions of the standard weapons, guaranteed to demonstrate the power of the Judicators.
Skybolt Bows
Boltstorm Crossbows
That thing on the lower right is pretty much a heavy bolter!
Don’t forget the Warscroll:
So, I think the lines between these guys and marines keeps getting fuzzier. Skybolt Bow, Boltstorm Crossbow, Shockbolt Bow, Thunderbolt Crossbow?