Hordes: July Minions Unboxing

Be excited Hordes players! Whatever faction you play there are new releases for you this month.
We can start with one of my favorite new Hordes models, the Efaarit scouts.
A lot of bits, but what do you expect from an enormous cav model with two riders.
Look at that face. How is this guy not a winner?
It’s like a dinosaur crossed with a Bantha.
And the whole model is covered with cool pouches and other kit.
The riders are also loaded with character. There’s no Minion cavalry unit yet.
How about five of these guys riding… oh, I don’t know… terrorbirds? I’d buy that.
Here’s a shot from the back. They’re actually surprisingly tiny.
And here are all the other bits. Arms, etc…
Minion players can move on. Don’t bother looking. These guys don’t work for either contract unfortunately. Not sure why Privateer keeps doing this. Every other Hordes faction can take them.
There are five gremlins to a base with one riding on another’s shoulders.
This guys legs are on another piece.
He’s real proud of that cog.
This dude has a whole arm he’s dragging off. You can see the legs on it for the last guy.
And now the reason all of you are here: gratuitous gremlin butt shot.
The detail on these guys is a little obscured thanks to an excess of mold release. This is why I always wash my minis before I start painting them.
Just a couple of gremlins having a good time, wrecking your armies finest machines.
This last guy is chowing down on a Magelock pistol. That looks uncomfortable dude.
We’ll finish off with this new unit. As a gatorman player I’m pretty excited about these guys, but if you’ve seen their rules you’ll probably agree that these models may be most helpful for Skorne or Legion.
Ten metal frog people.
There are three grunt sculpts as with the Gremlin, the fellow on the right still has some mold release that is obscuring the detail on his face.
Here’s a look from the other side. Oh man they all have weird little tails.
And this dude would be the leader. That’s a very impressive throat pouch you have there sir.
All that’s left now are the arms and quivers.
~Hope you enjoyed the article. What Minions release are you most excited about?