Stormcast Eternal NEW Paladins Spotted

It’s amazing what you can find with a magnifying glass and some time. Come check out the new upcoming Paladin minis!
We’ve been going over everything Age of Sigmar related with a fine tooth comb. We know how GW loves to put soon to be released miniatures in those fantastic giant battle photos.
We have been hearing that in 1-2 weeks that either/both new kits for Stormcast Paladin/Retributors or Prosecutors are coming. We have been poring over the Age of Sigmar hardcover looking for teasers hidden in plain sight and hit paydirt. Take a look at these:
First we get these samples of the various armaments from the Hammers of Sigmar’s Paladin Conclave.
I love his “lighting keys” wrapped around his fist.
A close examination of some of the giant battle scenes reveals these Paladins armed with both two handed glaives (upper) and axes (lower) In addition to the Starter box’s giant 2-handed hammers. That’s 1 kit confirmed!
Finally we see a cleaner and better image of the spear and shield armed winged Prosecutors. That’s kit #2!
That gives us visual confirmation on both of the upcoming kits, so really its just a matter of what order they will be released.
Sigmar still has plenty of Stormcast Eternals coming down the track!