X-Wing: Who is Soontir Fel?

The name “Soontir Fel” can either strike fear or inspire depending on which side of the line you’re on. But who is Soontir Fel?
Hey BoLS Readers – AdamHarry back again with some more Star Wars fun. Today I want to take a look at one of the most (in)famous Imperial Pilots of all time – Soontir Fel! Baron Fel has had one of the most interesting career’s in the service of the Empire. A Corellian by birth he was at the academy with none other than Han Solo. After a stellar performance record Fel graduated salutatorian (behind Solo, naturally) Fel caught the eye of Grand Moff Tarkin.
As a newly minted Imperial lieutenant – Fel eventually gained command and showed his men that he was not only an expert pilot but tactician as well. Captain Fel took great care of the men under his command. Eventually he was transferred naval fleet operations but always longed to be back in the saddle of a TIE. After another Admiral in the Imperial Navy’s incompetence cost them a victory – Fel was knocked off the path of a Star Destroyer Commander. Soon he was back at the Academy, but this time as an Instructor to the new recruits.
Instructor Soontir Fel’s training class included cadets Tycho Celchu, Biggs Darklighter, Derek Klivian, Laine, Rens, and the future DS-181-3 aka “Fel’s Wrath” – many of these pilots would go on to have some pretty amazing careers thanks to this man, but none of them could match Fel in the simulators. When the class graduated two years later they were hailed as protégées – no doubt thanks to the training and constant pushing from Fel. However, shortly after graduating Klivian and Darklighter defected to the Rebels and while Fel was not to blame, it did reflect poorly as he was their instructor. He was demoted (again) and sent to the 181st. The nickname of the squadron at the time was the “One-Eighty-Worst.” Things were about to change.
Captain Fel’s arrival sparked a fire (after Fel lit a few matches…) and he was able to turn his lack-luster 2nd squadron in the 181st into respectable TIE pilots. It all paid off when they were sent on a suicide mission to retake an Imperial base that had been over run by Rebel Y-Wings. The odds were stacked against Fel and his squad but they prevailed and recaptured Ord Biniir – Fel’s victory coincided with the destruction of the first Death Star and the Empire (not wanting to waste a perfectly good PR opportunity) catapulted Fel into the limelight. Promoted to Major, the 181st was reassigned and trimmed down to an elite unit under his command.
During this time Fel recruited pilots like Turr Phenurr and rebuilt the 181st as the new “Saber Squadron” – which would eventually be attached to Darth Vader’s command. However, this is where we find Soontir Fel in the current state of Star Wars X-Wing. Saber Squadron is noted to have Red Stripes on the sides of their TIE Interceptors. These stripes represent a pilot getting 10 confirmed enemy kills, a tradition started by Soontir Fel.
Soontir Fel goes on to marry Wedge Antilles’ sister, defect to the Rebels, join Rogue Squadron, leave the Rebels and join Admiral Thrawn’s Empire of the Hand… and more! BUT you can read all that later… I want to talk X-Wing Squads!
In keeping with the theme of Soontir Fel being as awesome as he is I built two theme lists that revolve around Saber Squadron. Both lists are pretty straight forward and aren’t built to rely on any tricks – just pure player skill in maneuvering.
Saber Squad List – 100
Soontir Fel – 30
- Push the Limit
Turr Phennir – 28
- Push the Limit
Saber Squadron Pilot – 21
Saber Squadron Pilot – 21
This list is streamlined and basic. TIE Interceptors are glass cannons plain and simple. They have to rely on being dodgy to survive. Turr Phennir is probably one of the most annoying pilots to pin down thanks to his pilot ability + Push the Limit. Try it sometime – it’s amazing! I was going back-and-forth with Fel’s load out. I wanted to add squad leader (seemed appropriate) but he just works so well with Push the Limit! If you wanted to really make this list “competitive” you could drop a Saber Squadron pilot and throw on the Autothrusters (or other upgrades) and replace it with a cheap academy pilot…But that’s not how Saber Squadron rolls.
Saber Squad List – 150
Soontir Fel – 32
- Push the Limit
- Autothrusters
Turr Phennir – 30
- Push the Limit
- Autothrusters
“Fel’s Wrath” – 25
- Autothrusters
Saber Squadron Pilot – 21
Saber Squadron Pilot – 21
Saber Squadron Pilot – 21
This list expands the core concept to 150 points. Here I’ve added those dastardly Autothrusters, another Saber Squadron pilot and “Fel’s Wrath” – who is probably one of Soontir Fel’s most loyal wingmen.
Saber Squadron is a mean, mean, MEAN squad to go up against. While TIE Interceptors aren’t exactly known to be forgiving to run they can be very deadly in a skilled players hands (or if you just roll SUPER HAWT) – so be sure to bring your A-wing A-Game vs the Sabers. Because they sure will…
So Imperial Aces – Anyone else have a nasty Soontir Fel list or any memorable war stories about the Baron they want to share? Let us know in the comments below! AdamHarry, OUT!