August 8th is Khorne Day!

Of course GW would kickoff the Chaos Minis releases on August 8th – Get it??? Hee Hee. Here’s the latest pics doing the rounds folks:
via Tabled Podcast (twitter) 8-5-2015
We have a cover! – Wait, the Bloodreavers are cannibals?
And now it’s time for s better peek at the upcoming 2nd Campaign Book – Quest for Ghal Maraz! There’s Skaven!
Going back a couple weeks we had this from the rumorsphere – which is starting to line up with what we are seeing this August:
via birds in the trees 7-20-2015
– As mentioned, August holds Chaos terrain kits and Khorne minis.
– Look for a Khorne set of Blood Warriors with more weapon options.
– Look for 1-2 Khorne clampack characters.
– Into September look for a second Campaign book featuring Skaven, Dwarfs, Elfs, Tzeentch.
– Tzeentch will get a handful of new kits.
– There will be a very short 40K Tzeentch release window alongside the kits.
– Summer is rounded out by more Age of Sigmar racial kits then back to 40K for Fall.
Age of Sigmar Roundup
There much more back there!
How will you honor the Brass Throne on August 8th?