Battlegroups of Legend: Legion Armor

Today I wanted to continue thinking outside the box when it comes to list building. Today we build a Legion armor list!
Legion is definitely not known as the armor brick faction. However, if we look at Thagrosh he is built for it with his aura ability of lowering enemy models strength by 2. Throw in some spiny growth and tenacity animus and you are looking out some 20+ armor vs melee attacks.
50 Points “Legion Armor”
Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight (+5)
Shredder 2 (We need him for tenacity)
Carnivean 11(We need him for spiny growth)
Zuriel 10 (The highest armor beast legion has fits our synergy)
Throne of Everblight 9 ( High armor and can get a lot of work done w/ Thagrosh strength buff spell)
Sacral Vault 9(High armor and good anti infantry/stealth)
10 Legionnaires 6 (Cheap and decent armor while base to base)
Spawning Vessel 3 (Every legion army takes one)
Sheperd 1 (Healing is good for when what damage does get through)
Sheperd 1
Goblin Tinker 1 (With 2 battle engines a repair could be useful)
Succubus 2 (Can hand out tenacity or spiny growth)
You are going to want to hand out spiny growth to Zuriel and the Throne of Everblight and Carnivean. Remember when doing this that some abilities ignore spell effects so whoever you need to be the highest armor cast it with the beast and not Thagrosh. Keep Thagrosh command range of the models that are going to be getting hit in melee. Zuriel for example is base 19 armor + 2 for spiny growth and effectively +2 for Thagrosh Aura. Making him 23 armor vs melee attacks. That might come to a surprise for your opponent.
So BoLS, have you ever run a faction list that does something it is not known for? What do you think of high armor legion? Please share your comments below. If you are going to be in Texas next month, check out