Behold the GLORY of Bloody Chaos!

Kneel before the power of the Khorne – The Chaos Dreadhold and Khorne Blood Warriors are here to see in the round!
via Games Workshop
Ok, a busy week on the new minis side of things. The Chaos Dreadhold is a pretty impressive range for Age of Sigmar. You get the best chaos terrain kit this side of the old Temple of Skulls and it is a full modular line to boot. While I think you won’t be seeing too many of the “Full $1500 Chaos Star” Dreadholds on tabletops, some of the smaller configurations can be made to look pretty cool. I do like the curving wall possibilities of the wall sections – so good job there GW.
Onto the Blood Warriors. These are basically Khorne Berzerkers for Fantasy and they are nicely done. I especially like the Goreglaive option – a nice bit of Khornate variation. It’s got a bit of a Klingon bat’leth vibe to it. I can’t wait to see the Berzerker-Bloodwarrior mashup conversions sure to come from fanatic hobbyists.
Are you more impressed by the Stormcast or the Khornate Age of Sigmar range so far?