Behold the GLORY of The Bloodreavers

Just in time for Khorne Day! It’s Blood for the Blood God – The Bloodreavers have arrived!
via Games Workshop
The Blood God strikes back against the Stormcast Eternals with the release of the Bloodreavers, a howling horde of flesh-hungry marauders ready to terrorise the Mortal Realms.
Those Bloodreavers are gory! Those sculpts are right in line with everything else from the Age of Sigmar releases – great plastics and tons of detail! The scarification on the models is pretty impressive and takes the paint pretty well. I can’t wait to see these guys show up in Khorne Armies in both game systems. Khorne Chaos Cultist anyone?!
It’s getting BLOODY in here, so take off all your SHIRTS? Eh? Close enough. KHORNE DAY CONTINUES!!!!