Behold the GLORY of the Celestant Prime & Review

All hail the glory of Sigmar! The Stormcast Celestant-Prime descends for us mortals to see in the round!
via Games Workshop
Sigmar’s new champion is a very pretty mini indeed. Clearly inspired by the posing and overall design of Nagash, this looks to be an attempt to make a “mini-primarch” for Age of Sigmar.
Miniwise, the design seems like a bit of a mixed bag. The figure itself is very nice, (if slighty pudgy around the tummy). He has a good looking “descending from the heavens” pose. The wings are perhaps the most impressive design element on the the entire kit and have a firm renaissance religious element to them. The cape and tabard’s flowing design works with the design of the figure above and ads to the overall angelic graceful effect.
Then we hit the lower part of the kits which is the weakest. The entire celestial comets/astrolabe design just doesn’t do it for me. Go back and look at the lower portion of the Nagash kit to see how such spiralish basing should be done in a way that compliments the model instead of competing with it. The prime’s lower section looks like it belongs on a kit such as the Empire Luminark, instead of this model.
Still though it’s big, it’s impressive, and it gives the Stormcast Eternal range a centerpiece model to look good on the tabletop.
3.5 out of 5 stars
Are you more impressed by the Stormcast or the Khornate Age of Sigmar range so far?