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FFG: Teases Star Wars Episode VII Products!

2 Minute Read
Aug 7 2015
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We’ve all been dreaming Star Wars: The Force Awakens.  Look what came out of GENCON:


vendor-FFG-2001 got a chance to talk with FFG Senior VP of Communications and got this exchange:

via ICv2

We also asked Steve Horvath, Senior VP of Communications at Fantasy Flight Games, about incorporating content from Star Wars: The Force Awakens into its line of Star Wars games.  “We’re excited about the new movie,” he said.  “Yes, we’re doing stuff with it.  I can’t talk about what or when yet.”

When asked if Fantasy Flight had announced all its major Star Wars releases through the end of the year, Horvath replied “No.”

FFG had a fantastic show and announced all kinds of Star Wars items from X-Wing Wave 8 to the Imperial Assault Carrier, and even more.


Here’s the FFG GENCON video to show you all their stuff:


Of course, let’s not forget these from Disney:



Star Wars: The Force Awakens releases on December 18th.  With only 4 months left to go I would assume that whatever FFG has planned to tie into the movie is well underway.


Author: Larry Vela
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