Horus Heresy: The Plastic Kits We Need – Reloaded
6 months ago we listed plastic kits Horus Heresy needs to explode into a mighty new product line for GW. Let’s take another look in light of recent rumors.
We now have a better idea of what the Horus Heresy boxes set will hold, so we have a basis set of core models to build off of.
Rumors say the plan is for GW to produce a small line of Horus Heresy plastics just after the new year that will form the backbone of a GW’s new 3rd product line, Gamers can then move into Forgeworld for the Legion specific and the rare stuff. There needs to be a small but strong set of iconic models to put on shelves to pull in the new folks like moths to the flame.
Let’s take a look at what we think GW needs to build and compare that with what we’ve heard in the last 6 months from the rumormongers:
Legionnaire Box – Ten models to bulk up your army. Composed of the most common marks of Crusade and Heresy armor. 7xMk.II, 3xMk.IV, bolters. The boxed set comes with MkIV ten man squads, with bolters and a smattering of old Rogue Trader style missile launchers flamers and some fancy pistols.
Relics of Heresy Box – Five models of the rarer marks to use to “spice up” your army, use for small distinct units, or spread out the bits to give your force some character. 1xMk.III 2xMk.V 2xMk.VI, bolters, pistols, CCWs. I think this will still be a needed box and to be honest, and any BP/CCW box could easily be used as a combo-kit for Destroyers as well.
Legion Devastator Squad – Five models (Mk.II) with a sprue of the common heavy weapons (Missile Launchers, Lascannons, Heavy Bolters). It looks like you could just swap with your friends for those plastic missile launchers and hit up Forgeworld for the other items.
Legion Support Squad – Five models(Mk.II) with a sprue of the common special weapons (Melta, Plasma, Flamer). It looks like you could just swap with your friends for those plastic flamers/meltas and hit up Forgeworld for the other items.
Master of Crusade – Small Praetor / Centurion HQ kit (makes a single model) dripping with extra weapons, heads, backpacks, to make most of the common HQs for the Heresy. That Centurion/Cataphracti plastic sprue will fit nicely!
Contemptor Dread – THE Iconic dread of the Heresy. Give it a sprue with all the standard weapons. Folks can hit up FW for the fiddly rare bits. Current rumors say to look for the most iconic Heresy Dreadnought in the boxed set. I would expect it to have very basic weapons (like the plastic easy assembly dreads from old 40K starters did), so you can still hit up Forgeworld for the exotic weapons and legion specific chassis.
Catphractii Terminators – 5 of the Terminators that define the conflict. So looking forward to these in the Boxed set!
Scimitar Jetbike – You want to instantly give the Heresy a different visual feel on the tabletop? A 2 Jetbike box (think Skyweavers) with a bunch of weapon options for the bikes. Eat your heart out 40K Ravenwing! I just can’t see GW NOT doing these in a new line. Jetbike squads with access to forgeworld shoulderpad upgrades are a license to print money!
Deimos Rhino – Bring back the old school Rhino – Heresy style. Plus this kit can form the base kit for all the other Rhino variants down the road. Any bets this will be a Horus Heresy combo kit with a Predator? Extra bits and extra pricetag…
Land Raider Proteus – It’s time for the old Rogue Trader Land Raider to roll again – in its new sexy updated look. These in plastic would FLY off shelves.
You put the boxed set and the missing additional items on store shelves with cool unique Horus Heresy packaging and watch GW’s coffers fill at warp speed.
Overall, the boxed set rumors hit our original list squarely. It would only take a handful of additional kits to get the entire line off the ground. What did we miss?