HOBBY: New “Citadel Air” Airbrush Paint Pics!

Looks like the rumors were true and there’s a grip of new Citadel Airbrush paints on the way! Come see how easy it’ll be to paint you minis soon!
via Scanner
new paint!
So from the chart it looks like the top 51 colors of the 200+ Current Citadel colors will be made into color matched airbrush paints. Seems like they are taking a page from the Army Painter system where their paint pots match their aerosol sprays to make cleaning up mistakes easy.
I love the potential here with this new line for making hobbying easier and more appealing to both new and older players. For me it seems like the biggest problem with airbrushing in general is thinning down the paints themselves. If Games Workshop has solved that problem and made these paints ready to go out of the bottle, then the sky may truly be the limit for hobbying in the VERY near future.
I wonder if they plan on making a Citadel Airbrush in the near future for these paints as well? It seems like they have a Citadel branded item for every other hobby need, why not an airbrush too?
I wonder how much they’ll cost, the Forge World ones seem to be a bit pricey?