SN 40K Battle Report (Skitarii vs Chaos Space Marines)
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SN Battle reports finally brings you a Adeptus Mechanicus: Skitarii battle report featuring Typhus and his Nurgle zombie army!!
Mission: The forces have simultaneouslylocated a lost stash of ancient technology. They plan to extract as much of it for their use as possible.
One objective is placed in the centre of the board.
Each player places one objective anywhere on the board outside their own deployment zone and a minimum of 6 inches away from any other objective.
Primary objective.
Grab the stash: Each player receives 1 VP per objective they hold at the end of each game turn.
Deployment: Dawn of War
Points: 1400
It had been just over a Terran day since his cerebral implants hadmalfunctioned and Servitor 72500-119b had begun to regain his memories. First a trickle and then a deluge. It all returned, his childhood in the hive, his father’s affliction, the helplessness as the PDF’s apothecary dragged Papa away, life on the streets. the pact he had madewith the patron of the Cult of the Seven Fingered Hand, the loving embrace and new family that he had found in their company so unlike that of the callous cold Imperium. His capture by the hive authorities as he tried to spread the word, and finally the beautiful agony of his transformation.
It was pure happenstance that the malfunction had happened just as the Adeptus Mechanicus force that he was programmed to serve under had made landfall on Cohel 320, a ruined planetoid where it was rumoured stashes of pre-imperial technology had been found and stashed away by a previous expedition. At least he thought it was coincidence until he began to hear the voices. Friendly voices, caring voices, loving voices. Escaping the expeditionary force had been easy. No-one had expected that a servitor would do anything other than blindly follow his programming.
All he had to do was walk away. So he did. He walked toward the voices, towards the warmth, towards his family, towards Papa… As he walked he heard a rustle in the undergrowth, then blackness as a blow to the back of the head rendered him unconscious…
…the air inside the room was thick with an acrid biological perfusion which danced unnaturally as if alive as the door clattered open. Servitor 72500-119b was unceremoniously, but gently, tossed across the threshold, landing in an unidentifiable puddle of ooze. The door slammed shut behind him. He struggled to his knees, his bioengineered lungs and rebreather straining against the smoke as his enhanced optical bionics whirred bringing his surroundings into focus.
His eyes were met by those of many others in the shadows. Some still obviously human but others…. There were spikes, spines, fatty growths and tentacles, amphibious bodies, scaly appendages and a plethora of other mutations which were pleasing to his mind. It felt right. It felt like.. home. Seated at the far end of the room was a giant in tactical dreadnought armour casually tracing the figure seven in the ooze in front of him. A choir of moaning, stumbling but strangely content corpses waited on him whilst other armour clad giants stood by as an honour guard. The scythe wielding terminator beckoned Servitor 72500-119b to approach and with a smile hissed “Welcome back from the terrors my prodigal son. It so pleases my hearts to see one of our own return to the fold. Sit, tell me what those nefarious ones have done to you and why they have invaded our green and pleasant land.” Servitor 72500-119b smiled back and, pausing only a second to rip out his rebreather so as to fully take a great gulp of foetid air, told Typhus everything. That night the choir had a new member and Servitor 72500-119b was at peace and happy in the bosom of his family as they prepared to move out.
1 Sydonian Dragoon: phosphor serpenta
1 Ironstrider Ballistarius: twin-linked cognis lascannon
1 Onager Dunecrawler: icarus array; cognis heavy stubber; cognis manipulator
1 Onager Dunecrawler: cognis heavy stubber; cognis manipulator
Aegis Defence Lines: gun emplacement with quad-gun
The Skitarri have arrived at SN! We are so excited to finally see this new army on one of our favourite boards, it really is time for an instant happy dance! Brilliant work again by the team in the great ruined city layout.
Different view of the board so cool I had to share a second photo! lol
The mission is objective based and there will be three objectives in total. One objective is placed in the centre of the board. Each player then places one objective anywhere on the board outside their own deployment zone and a minimum of 6 inches away from any other objective. Objective will be a major part of the game as they will control of an objective at the end of each full turn will earn the player a victory point. So up to 3 victory points will be available per turn (in addition to the secondary objectives).
One of the other Objectives on the other side of the board close to Jesuki’s deployment zone.
Louis sets up his aegis and quadgun before either player starts to deploy their army. Has Louis made a good choice adding his aegis to his list? Or might it be a liability given the need to grab objectives throughout the game?
Jesuki wins the first roll off and starts to deploy his nurgle forces first starting with his plague hulk. He doesn’t look like the most healthy of fellows does he? wink emoticon Jesuki has done a great job of conveying the decay and general rot that Nurgle personifies in his painting.
He then deploys his obliterators on the other side of the battlefield making some good use of the buildings in front as cover.
Typhus his great nurgle leader is deployed in the centre of the table surrounded by his 30 zombies….YES 30! Jesuki has really gone to town with these poor wretches with all kinds of entrails and intestines on the bases making them really pop. I shall reap a terrible bounty from the death that I sow in your name, Father Nurgle…
Different view of Jesuki’s army as they are deployed very close to the deployment edge. His terminators are kept in reserve.
Louis’s turn now. A very tricky deployment for Louis using the new Skitarri force which we have only used 3 times before. He starts by deploying the Sydonian Dragoon on the left flank hoping to scout forward onto a better position.
The Rangers and Vanguard troops deploy in the protection of the aegis a great roll by Louis on his warlord trait see’s his Ranger alpha get shrouding converging it to his unit which behind the aegis now have a 2+ cover save. Interesting… (and they really do look impressive in their mainly white scheme as a mass behind the cover!) “There is no truth in flesh, only betrayal.” “There is no strength in flesh, only weakness.” “There is no constancy in flesh, only decay.” “There is no certainty in flesh but death.””
View of Louis’s deployment after all his units are deployed as you can see he has added his two dunecrawlers for some extra support inside the aegis. Is this a good idea? Or will Louis get surrounded to quickly by not scattering his forces a bit more? Also how is he planning to get the victory points form the objectives?
Sicarian Infiltrators infiltrate (the clue is in the name wink emoticon ) behind the ruins in front of the Obliterators. Sneaky!
The Infiltrators scout move forward towards the deadly enemy.
BOOM! Can there be anything worse than having the initiative stolen from you? Well probably but on this occasion Louis rolls a 6 and Jesuki’s plans fall to tatters as he is made to go second. Louis chooses his first Doctrina making all his army +3 BS but -2 WS perfect for the first turn. Go Skitarii!
Turn 1 (Skitarii) Louis starts his shooting phase with some shooting from the Rangers and manages to kill his first plague marine.
Turn 1 (Skitarii) The short range of most weapons make it difficult to target many units this combined with some awful rolling to hit (yes at ballistic skill 7!) and wound rolls sees a lot of units waste their ammo! After the amazing first roll it is downhill fast as Louis only manages to kill a couple of zombies and one more plague marine. And we had such high hopes for this new army!
Turn 1 (Skitarii) The Ironstrider Ballistarius fires its twin-linked cognis lascannon at the Plague hulk up in front hitting but failing to wound the gruesome daemon engine.
Turn 1 (Chaos Space Marines) Jesuki was happy again! What looked like a deadly stolen initiative at the beginning of the game was all a different story now. Jesuki was still in the game and barely wounded. He starts by moving his Plague hulk forward into a better firing position.
Turn 1 (Chaos Space Marines) Jesuki then starts his slow and purposeful process of moving his slow and purposeful zombie swarm forward led by the powerful Typhus himself. (Jesuki is threatening to build more and more zombies, up to a 100. Hopefully he will also build a movement tray for them )
Turn 1 (Chaos Space Marines) The obliterators move up towards the scouted infiltrators as they ready their heavy flamers to fire. Oops Louis forgot they had heavy flamers….. this is going to hurt.
Turn 1 (Chaos Space Marines) A nice picture of the great looking unit of zombies again. Take a good look at the models all with a different poses and character fitting in perfectly as zombies.
Turn 1 (Chaos Space Marines) The Nurgle spawns (spawns? is that right? not sure, never mind ? ) move forward but stop right in front of a ruin making sure they have a good cover save as they do not have any armour saves. They are obviously not as stupid as people imagine!
Turn 1 (Chaos Space Marines) This is how the battlefield is looking just before the shooting phase. Things are looking very interesting.
Turn 1 (Chaos Space Marines) The Obliterators fire their three heavy flamers. BURN!!!
Turn 1 (Chaos Space Marines) A total of 7 wounds are done removing 3 models and leaving one with one wound. Ouch…and he still has to assault!
Turn 1 (Chaos Space Marines) The Plage hulk fires its deadly AP3 large blast at the Vanguard unit. It scatters off a bit to the left but still manages to hit and wound quite a lot of vanguard and Ranger models so Louis decides to go to gound and get a 2+ cover save on the Vanguard unit saving all but 1. Jesuki then tries to assault the Infiltrators with his Obliterators unit but fails the charge. That was lucky Louis! Things may be changing again!
Turn 2 (Skitarii) Louis starts his movement phase and hopes for a better shooting phase using his doctrina to boost his army with a 2+ BS this time.
Turn 2 (Skitarii) The Ruststalkers move forward towards the centre objective. Love these models.
Turn 2 (Skitarii) Louis fires with the rangers at the slowly approaching zombie swarm managing to kill 3 after some again some awful rolling to wound.
Turn 2 (Skitarii) The Onager Dunecrawler fires its cognis manipulator at the plague marines killing three more and leaving the squad with only one remaining marine.
Turn 2 (Skitarii) The other Dunecrawler also moves up ignoring the difficult terrain test of the aegis and fires at the Plague hulk but again fails to penetrate the armour of the metal beast.
Turn 2 (Skitarii) After yet another horrible shooting round by Louis it’s time to assault getting the better of the obliterators failing in to charge in the previous turn he charges in. Overwatch from the flamers sees one more inflitrator killed and the Infiltrator Princeps left on one wound before they can even strike.
Turn 2 (Skitarii) This isn’t going well at all after the Sydonian Dragoon fails to hit with all its attacks the Obliterators basically obliterate the Dragoon into a ball of metal and smoke.
Turn 2 (Chaos Space Marines) With a great grin on his face Jesuki starts to advance his army closer to the skitarii defence line hoping to get some of his units into combat this turn and getting some good VPs by capturing the centre objective.
Turn 2 (Chaos Space Marines) The Chaos Spawn beasts move up 12″ just infront of the Aegis hoping to get into combat and cause havoc in the skitarii defence lines. Let us play hide and slay! (Great model choice by Jesuki for his Spawn. They sure look dangerous!)
Turn 2 (Chaos Space Marines) The Plague marines also move forward and out of cover.
Turn 2 (Chaos Space Marines) Different view of how close the Nurgle forces actually are. This is going to be a blood bath if Louis doesn’t start bringing things down….and soon!
Turn 2 (Chaos Space Marines) The plague hulk again fires its Rot Cannon this time scattering quite a lot but still manages to get two of the vanguard troops which Louis keeps them alive by passing his 4+ cover saves.
Turn 2 (Chaos Space Marines) With a great 9″ roll the nurgle spawns make it into the combat: one of the spawns loses 2 wounds to overwatch leaving it on one. ……what came after was horrific as they slaughtered the vanguard unit to a painful (but mercifully fast) death as they won the combat then caught them in a sweeping advance leaving no survivors. (And yes you can be slaughtered to death. OK?)
See the full Battle Report Here for the exciting conclusion and remember to subscribe!
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