Star Wars X-Wing: All That Glitterstims

There’s a new upgrade hitting the market. They call it Glitterstim and apparently it works wonders – if you can deal with the side effects.
Hey BoLS Readers, AdamHarry here with some X-Wing Action! I’m here to talk about Glitterstim the latest illicit upgrade hitting the X-Wing market. Disclaimer: I’m going to make a few terrible drug-related references in an article about a fictional drug. I’m not here to promote drug use or make fun of addiction. If you or a loved one is having issues with drugs or addiction GET PROFESSIONAL HELP. Okay – that’s all for my PSA/warning. Let’s get back to the fictional world(s) of Star Wars!
Because Nightmare Fuel never goes away
Glitterstim is a helluva drug. It also comes from the Spice Spider. Yes – this nightmare fuel spider is the in-universe producer of Glitterstim which is a drug of the spice family known for it’s brief boost to telepathic and mental abilities. The experience is supposed to be pleasurable and can easily develop into an addiction. However excessive use can damage the brain resulting in loss of sight, twitching, nervousness, paranoia and (of course) death. And for the record – I have at least 4 Dune jokes I’m just going to spare you from having to read…the article must flow after all.
In game however it’s just an illicit upgrade and since the card isn’t out here is the text:
So all those negative effects are rolled-up into a single stress point for a very serious buff for a turn. Not a bad trade off at all! I was chatting with a friend on how to best take advantage of the upgrade and he suggested a pretty straight forward combo of Glitterstim + Cluster Missiles.
We were going back and forth on list ideas but I wanted to cut out a lot of the excess and go for a theme. In the Star Wars universe, criminal organizations are the ones that have taken over Glitterstim production. The Black Sun was one of the most dangerous and powerful crime syndicates. So to me – it was logical that they would have access to this drug.
I knew I wanted to use the new Kihraxz Fighter so I started with that. I also think the Z-95s make excellent wing-men as well. And they have access to both a missile slot and an illicit slot. Plus they are PS 3 – so Predator doesn’t make them easy kills.
So I had the basics down and my theme was set. But I really felt like this list just needed some more…Zazz. So I brought in an expert: Dr. Rockso.
After a modest consulting fee he came up with the following list:
Attack of the Rock-n-Roll Clowns: 100 pts
- Black Sun Ace – 31 pts
- Glitterstim
- Clustermissiles
- Munitions Failsafe
- Deadeye
- Black Sun Ace – 31 pts
- Glitterstim
- Clustermissiles
- Munitions Failsafe
- Deadeye
- Black Sun Soldier – 19
- Glitterstim
- Clustermissiles
- Black Sun Soldier – 19
- Glitterstim
- Clustermissiles
I like the addition of Deadeye to the mix because Glitterstim causes blindness, get it?! But in game this allows you to fly in hot & heavy and choose to focus. This lets you spend the focus on shooting-up the enemy with your Cluster Missiles vs having to prep a target lock. Or if you have a target lock already from the previous turn you can still opt to focus. Remember – Cluster Missiles are range band 1-2, so ideally you TL them at range 3, move in closer the next turn and let everything rip like El Kabong! Oh and don’t forget to pop Glitterstim at the start of your combat phase for all that extra goodness.
I’ve already seen Glitterstim in action. And yeah, it’s a lot like this. AdamHarry, OUT!