Tau “Titan” Battlesuit – New Pics Emerge!

Come see new pictures of the battlesuit the Tau are getting that’s the size of a Titan! GO GO GO!
Recalcitrant Daze posted up some GREAT pictures awhile back of the new Tau KX-139 Ta’unar Supremacy Battle Suit, and it’s shedding light on just how big, and what weapons this thing may be armed with!
A bit later than usual for getting pictures up of an event, but I was busy last night and this morning. While pictures have been up And finally a Big Tau Suit:
It’s nice to see some clear shots of the new mech, but again I’d really love some scale comparisons to figure out exactly how big this suit really is!
We did a scale mock up of it based on the size of the waist burst cannons, compared to existing models in the range when we first saw this thing a few weeks ago. Look how they appear to match up;
Now keep in mind that this could be perhaps bigger if those burst canons are computer designed and slimmer than the existing ones.
KX-139 Roundup
Rumors of a Tau release on the horizon bode well for the popularity of this new kit!