The Grimdark Returns – But When Exactly?

There is a long list of Grimdark products headed out way – but the tricky part is putting together a schedule. Here’s what we know:
Gathering the Rumors:
We are on week 8 of Age of Sigmar so far (or week 9 based on how you count pre-release dates).
Age of Sigmar is said to have a 12 week release window.
There are still the following unseen AoS products:
– The Prosecutors (winged Stormcasts) kit with weapon options
– The Realm of Battle board
– Another Campaign book
For the Grimdark we have the following:
– Horus Heresy “Battle for Ultramar” boxed game
– Tau Empire release (2-3 weeks)
Other Products Multiple rumormongers throughout the year have mentioned the following as far back as March said to be coming out this year:
– Some type of Raven Guard vs Tau products (kits or a Campaign book)
– Some type of Tzeentch products (mentioned by multiple sources as far back as when Codex Daemonkin was released)
The Sticky Part – Scheduling
And this is where the Rumormongers have been less than accurate all year (all of them). In general on the GW rumorfront, folks are very good at telling us what’s coming out in the next 1-2 quarters. They are dismal at putting together an exact week by week schedule. There is of course the constant info that comes out the week of the White Dwarf, but that’s not rumor mongering – its just random gamers around the world who get issues slightly early through the vagaries of the postal service.
Still with some simple math we get this:
Age of Sigmar: 3-4 weeks of releases
Grimgark + misc products: 7-8 weeks of releases
If ONLY the items mentioned above came out back to back, that will take us to the end of November, so there are still 5 more weeks till the end of the year. Now GW will crank out their Christmas bundles and the Advent calender, rather than release new items in the latter half of December.
But the important thing is to look at that list and see that there is still plenty of time for ALL OF IT TO GET OUT THIS YEAR.
At this point the major jockeying for rumormonger superstar status is trying to rearrange that slider puzzle to get the exact schedule right.
– Some say the Tau are being moved up…
– Some say Age of Sigmar will finish it’s run , then a sharp return to the Grimdark will return.
Everyone is in agreement that 2016 is being set up (especially Q1) to be the launching pad for Horus Heresy as it’s own stand alone line of plastic products and rules, and a bunch of neglected 40K codices are already in the queue.
~So sit back my fellow gamers and breathe. There is a LOT of must have products coming our way. 3 months from now, we will have them all.