The Quest For Ghal Maraz – Spoiled!
3 Minute Read
Aug 13 2015

Come see the latest GW “big castle” and a TON of other pictures & rules! GO GO GO!!!
It looks like one busy beaver got the book early (and is a shutterbug).
via War of Sigmar 8-13-2015
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This one looks like it follows in the footsteps of the first hardcover, and continues the story for the hunt for the Hammer of Sigmar. Here is an early fluff summary from a commenter over on Gary’s site:
“Lore is neat so far, but I’ve only managed to skim it. Sigmar get’s back Ghal Maraz at the end, realizes that weapons are made to take into battle and then goes to open the Chamber Extremis to awaken the ‘Holy Beast’ within (which probably isn’t Drakothion, who got hurt hurt badly earlier in the book fighting the corrupted wyrm Argentine). So, chances are Stormcast get either Sigmar mounted on whatever the ‘holy beast’ is or a independent monster.”
Take a look at the Dramatis Personae pages for some hints on the forces of Slaanesh. Interesting stuff there as we try to figure out what is going on with the Dark Prince.
People were really curious about the “Times of War” rules, but these simply look to be a set of campaign special rules for fighting battles within the book’s narrative setting.
~Look for full coverage on the book in the days ahead.

Author: Larry Vela