This Week’s Podcast Reviews 8/22 – 8/28

Hi everybody! Bahkara here with this week’s reviews. With ETC just finishing up there are a few episodes about both the fantasy and 40K side. So, on with the reviews!
Allies of Convenience Episode 23 – Part 1 of their coverage of the ETC, a very excellent episode packed with a lot of information. A number of interviews with people from the various teams literally from around the world. The interviews take place before the event so I look forward to the next few episodes that will deal more with the event itself, the results and what to possibly expect next year.
Chumphammer Episode 47 – Continuing with their new game series, the guys go over the game Malifaux. In the same vein as the Warmachine coverage, they discuss the game background, the factions and many of the game mechanics. If you have a slight interest in the game you would want to give the episode a listen and see if it is for you.
…And the Rest!
Garagehammer Episode 127 – This episode sees he official departure of co host Chris Yu, after 3 years. The guys actually play a game of Age of Sigmar, talk a lot about Infinity, and discus the future of the podcast and Chris. He won’t be gone for good so you may hear from him from time to time when they talk about Infinity. Sad to see Chris go, especially with a lot of podcasts shutting down, but I can understand his reasons. I will miss his distinct voice and his point of view on warhammer and wargaming in general. I wish him success in anything he does in the future and look forward to hearing from him again as a guest host on the show.
Canhammer Episode 61 – A nice episode with coverage, from the Canadian point of view, of the Fantasy ETC. They go over their games played and thoughts on their games. Nice talk about the process and the overall experience. I think my favorite moment was, after placing near the bottom and winning Best Painted and Best Sport, they commented that it was a very “Canadian” showing.
Signals from the Frontline – Always a good listen for new and rumors on 40K and other games in the industry.
Also Out This Week
Dwellers Below Episode 52 (AoS)
Eye of Horus Episode 27 (30K)
Chain Attack Episode 219 (Warmachine)
Forge the Narrative Episode 109 (40K)
Adeptus Terra Episode 12 (40K)
Kessel Run Episode 30 (X-Wing)
Jaded Gamercast Episode 238 (General)
Life After the Cover Save Episode 151 (40K)
Long War Episode 15 (40K)
Mayacast Episode 47 (infinity)
Malifaux’s Most Wanted Episode 22 (Malifaux)
NOVA Squadron Episode 31 (X-Wing)
4 New Gamers Episode 2 (Warmachine)
Glory & Coin Episode 7 (Warmachine)
Removed From Play Episode 17 (Warmachine)
Roll to Seize Episode 14 (40K)
Intensify Forward Firepower Episode 9.6 (Armada)
As always, give my podcast, TFG Radio, a listen. We talk 40K mainly but delve into other game systems. This week we talk about the recent updates for Warmachine, the pitfalls of Kickstarter for miniature games, and our new band, Detroit Steel!
Have a different opinion? Post in the comments below or email me at [email protected] and let me know!