Warmachine Loremasters Wanted!

Know the world of Warmachine & Hordes like the back of your hand? Step this way Loremaster!
The new Lexicanum is growing!
The days of Lexicanum being Games Workshop only are behind it and we have big plans to being many other important gaming universes to the wiki.
The new Warmachine/Immoren Lore Wiki is up and growing like a weed. But any new community needs wiki contributors and lore experts to really get it off the ground. We invite any and all Warmachine Loremaster/wiki enthusiants to join the project. This is the first dedicated lore-only encyclopedia of the world of Warmachine – Hordes – Iron Kingdoms and is already growing into a great online resource. Come lend your flair for the pen and share your lore with the world!
If you have any experience working with mediawikis – the project especially wants your expertise!
Take a look here
Lexicanum Immoren
Sign up and join the project here!
Lexicanum Immoren Signup
~See you in the City of Man!