Wyrd: Unboxing the Malifaux Two Player Starter

The Malifaux Starter is coming out SOON – Lets take a deep dice into the contents!
Just the other day I finally received my big Malifaux GenCon order and decided to try my hand at this unboxing thing by showing off the contents of the Malifaux Starter coming out next week. This $65 box is the perfect way to get into the game and includes 4 Guild models (Henchman, Enforcer, and two Minions), an equal number of Neverborn models, stat cards, two quick reference cards, a quickstart rules booklet, two measure tapes, and two Fate decks.
As far as two-player starter boxes go, this one is actually very well-designed. The models are unique to this box and are designed to be simple, straightforward minis that don’t have a ton of complicated rules or interactions. In an even smarter move by Wyrd, the models all have the Mercenary characteristic, so you can use them even if you don’t settle on Guild or Neverborn as your faction of choice. The box is great for newbies, Henchmen looking for a better way to demo games, or even veterans looking to expand their collection.
But enough rambling, I have pictures.
As you can see, all the minis come on one sprue, with one half being the Guild models and the other being Neverborn. I’ve already assembled the minis too, but they aren’t based yet because I’m still deciding what theme I want to go with. The Guild will probably be based on a hospital theme because these particular minis represent the staff at a creepy insane asylum where patients are subjected to terrible experiments and “treatments,” but I’m still drawing a blank on what I want to do with the Neverborn half of the box.
Guild minis, from left to right: Dr. Grimwell (Henchman), Nurse Heartsbane (Enforcer), and two Orderlies (Minions)
Neverborn minis, from left to right: Angel Eyes (Henchman), Scion of Black Blood (Enforcer), and two Bloodwretches (Minions)
Here’s a quick look at the little cheat sheets and Fate decks. Both Fate decks feature the same artwork, they are just different colors to go with the Guild vs Neverborn theme of the starter. All the severe cards feature artwork of faction-specific characters (Like Guild models on the Ram cards) and the Jokers have text explaining exactly what their effects are, which is always nice.
As a bonus, here are some pics of Miss Anne Thrope, this year’s GenCon mini for spending over $100. She counts as a Wastrel and has a nice selection of bits.
My box had some of these little pamphlets too. If they are selling them again, I may need to pick up the Dark Carnival set during Black Friday…And I’m dying to know more about The Other Side.
Any newbies plan on getting into Malifaux with the new starter? What about you veteran players, you going to buy this? What did you guys grab from Wyrd during GenCon?