40K HOBBY: Beluga 61 #2 – Expanding Beyond just Terrain

Well the pure terrain project didn’t last long but I couldn’t avoid doing some INQ28 miniatures as well geared for gaming with the terrain and setting!
Hi! I`m Tommy from the blog bigbossredskullz. I’m also on Facebook. I’ve made a few armies in my hobby column so far. Now it’s time for some proper terrain to play on as well as some more INQ28 warbands!
I just couldn’t help myself and made an even taller building than before. I used old panels from my previous cityfight board and mixed it with the new ones from the Imperial sector box.
If you look closely you can see that it’s buckled here and there. This is to simulate the impacts causing the severe damage to the structure.
Sanctus Imperialis
I not only made these smaller I also split them into two walls for maximum customization.
Well so far it hasn’t been very exciting terrain pieces as they’re pretty stock but from now on out it’ll be custom pieces and battlefield debris that’s my focus. I’ve also bought a Frontline 6*4 Urban combat mat from a friend that had two. This’ll fit a lot better and I’ll take a picture of the setup so far as soon as I get the mat.
Well you might remember the Merciless warband but in short that was a more fun project not really geared towards playing. The new warband will definitely be geared for gaming as AoS has given me a taste of narrative gaming and I want to actually play INQ28 not only model and paint in that style.
The new warband will be a loyalist admech band centered around this fellow.
I’ve got some more in the pipeline and background that you can see here.
Expect quite a lot of WiPs in the next few weeks as I’m not in a big rush this time to get started on the painting
That’s it for this week! Make sure you check out my blog regularly, I update several times a week!
I’d love to see more cool terrain pieces so don’t hesitate to share a link in the comments !