40K HOBBY: Beluga 61 #4 – Industrial Silo & More

My first completed custom scenery piece is almost built and I’ve got some more henchmen. Take a look!
Hi! I’m Tommy from the blog bigbossredskullz. I’m also on Facebook. I’ve made a few armies in my hobby column so far. Now it’s time for some proper terrain to play on as well as some more INQ28 warbands!
Industrial silo
The first custom piece quickly landed on that big cylinder. Having an uncle that is a farmer I immediately thought of silos so I googled industrial silo and I pretty much had my direction set.
What you see from the overview is the silo with broken feeder pipe and the generator that’s partly underground.
Now one of the elements I really wanted was to make it look like people are actually living here.
So basically that’s translated into the little fireplace..
…and the hab unit with some crates.
A development in the rough background is evolving. I think that this is post Beluga 61 conflict (the one we’re playing as a campaign in my group) and this is with the remaining people in the ruins trying to eke out a living. The industrial silo is now for surveillance. The silo is obviously the observation point but they rotate and stay warm by the fire or sleep in the hab unit.
I’ll most likely make a gang to represent the new powers that be here. I’m stoked at how the terrain is influencing me 🙂
I’m actually very pleased at the moment as I think this can easily double between skirmish games and 40k. I have a great idea for several more pieces but I’ll finish this one first!
Made a couple of big henchmen this week for some proper muscle.
More pics of these henchmen and others here.
That’s it for this week! Make sure you check out my blog regularly, I update several times a week!
My WiPs are growing at an alarming rate, I need to actually finish something asap but building different things are just so much fun! Anyone else struggling with the same?