40K Lore: Generals of the Greater Good – Shas’O Kais

Today we start a deep delve into the greatest heroes and leaders of the Tau Empire. Meet the hero of Kronus Shas’O Kais.
Shas’O Kais was a student of Commander Puretide. Like many others who studied directly under Puretide, Shas’O Kais was put into stasis to be preserved until he was needed, and later revived, though the exact time of his revival was not recorded.
He was dispatched to quell the troubles on Kronus, and brought along the Fire Caste and the Tau allies, the Vespid andKroot. He was also dispatched with the Ethereal Aun’el Shi’Ores to secure and hold the capital city on Kronus. A strong yet merciful commander, often offering his enemies multiple chances to surrender, with refusal to serve the greater good resulting in annihilation.
Kais wears experimental XV22 Stealth Battlesuit armour, a symilar type as Commander Shadowsun, which throughout the campaign gains a Jetpack, Advanced Sensor Array and Stealth field generator. Initially armed with only a Burst Cannon, Kais has access to a plethora of ranged weapon upgrades including Missile Pods, a Fusion Blaster and a Plasma Rifle. He can also be accompanied by various Shield drones and Gun drones.
In 103.999.M41, Shas’O’Kais lead the Tau to victory in their conquest which would go on to be the Fi’rios Sept, though it is unknown at what point in his career this happened relative to the Dark Crusade on Kronus.
Learn More About Heroes of the Tau Empire
~For the Greater Good!