40K RUMORS: Chaos Marines Codex is Finished!

You heard that right – today’s grimdark rumors are extra chaosy and spicy. Get on in here Ruinous Power Fans!
via B&C’s TheHairySorcerer20 9-2-2015
we are getting a chaos marine dex soon.. Very soon indeed. AND we may or may not be getting a sorcerer conclave formation 😉 Nothing better than throwing out 3 powers a turn at +1 strength for every sorcerer in the formation.. *Cough*
… It’s coming though. ITS FINALLY COMING!!
via B&C’s SlaveToDarkness 9-2-2015
Aahhhhh after I have done a bit of digging with a few people I have found out a few things…
AdvertisementSome I cant say until I hear back from someone else (I dont want to look like a complete muppet) but I can say one thing, we ARE getting a dex, but not sure if its gonna be before or after Tau at the moment. But its done, not heard anything about new minis though (but then again I didnt ask). The person I am waiting to hear back from I trust 100% and its not the local GW manager.
Just be patient guys, and if the other things I am waiting on turn out to be legit then you get to be happy smug bastards
Don’t mind saying who my source is, I have a cousin who is an ex GW sculptor who still talks to people at the design studio, I’m not naming names though as I don’t wanna cause any grief for people involved, and I’m not gonna push for info on every race, I only asked about Chaos because that’s all I am interested in, couldn’t care less about anything else
If one of the things I am waiting to hear back on turns out to be true then I will be happy, though it’s something I have hinted at a few times now and again for a few months now, though it was something that GW were thinking of doing, if they are then I will spill the beans.
If you recall 2 weeks back HairySorcerer20 chimed in with this:
via The HairySorcerer20 on Bolter and Chainsword 8-21-2015
So the manager at my local GW got back from Nottingham a while ago. And couldn’t help but tell me theres talk of a new chaos codex coming this year at the HQ. I’ve known this guy for years. I’ve never been brought into the back of the shop and had him tell me. Then he mentioned horus heresy stuff in October apparently. I’ve scanned through the internet and found nothing on either. Although he seems like he really wants me to.expect something. I’ll ask him for more info tomorrow. Not too excited. But he isnt a liar. And heck, he’s coming to me about this as I’m essentially tge biggest chaos fanboy at tge shop.
I’ll edit this post if some new info comes up. He said something about tau later in the year but I was too busy squabbling mindlessly about what could be changed. OH and apparently we are going to.be seeing a new deamon engine.. Joy.
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Chaos Space Marine Roundup
~This is the second clump of CSM rumors that has popped up in the past 2 weeks. Hmm…