40K SHOWCASE: Warlord Titan by “San”

Come see the biggest, baddest most head-turning titan of them all. Behold the mighty Warlord Titan painted by San.
Take it away San:
When the warlord titan was announced, I knew I had to make one. Although I wasn’t able to buy one right away at the FW open day (I live in South Korea), I ordered one as soon as I could, and received the number 82 warlord.
The overall process was more or less similar to all the other big kits I have done, except that the warlord took far longer than any other kit I have ever made. Just the resin cleaning and magnetizing took me 10 days to process. I had to go through a lot of trials and errors – especially when I was deciding which color I should use. The basic kit lacking decals and banners also worsened the difficulty of work.
But it was worth all that and more. I’m satisfied with the result and I would do it all over again.
~Give it up for San and his awesome hobby skills!
Hi! My name is San and I run San’s Workshop. I live in South Korea, and it has been a year and a half since I started this hobby. I play CSM mostly, but I’m more interested in modeling than actual game play. I always update my works on my facebook page and instagram. So come and take a look! Feedbacks are always welcomed.
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