Behold the GLORY of the Heraldor/Vexillor & Review

The Stormcast Eternal Vexillors & Heraldors proclaim the power of Sigmar for all to see and hear – but there is a flaw within…
via Games Workshop
What can we say about the Vexillor and the Heraldor that hasn’t already been said before.
Are the miniatures well sculpted – yes
Are the miniatures a good representation of thier faction – yes
Are the miniatures not able to be easily picked out if you put them in among a large field of other Stormcast Eternals – yes
And that is the real problem we are seeing at week 11 of the Summer of Sigmar – a general sameness that is becoming ever more numbing as the weeks go on. Games Workshop was so insistent on creating an distinctive new faction, that they made the models virtually identical to each other.
Take Space Marines for example. Many Astartes look visually identical (tacticals, devastators, assaults), but you get contrasting designs such as scouts, terminators, centurions, and all the vehicles to break up your force. With the Stormcast Eternals, you get pretty much an entire range of models that are the same model with different weapons, and wargear tacked on – and one oversized super Stormcast. That is a double edged sword. If you LOVE the Stormcast Eternal aesthetic, you will love (and maybe collect) them all. If however, you don’t find them to your liking you will blow off the entire range.
I think GW’s Stormcasts find themselves in the same soup that BMW designers had a decade back when they made the 3, 5, and 7 series too similar to each other and suffered under the “same sausage, different length” derisive comments from the automotive industry.
It’s not the fault of this weeks models, but when the number one sentiment commenters are saying is they are bored to tears and want something – anything different from Nottingham, you know that GW has probably pushed the Stormcast rollout just a bit too far.
Pricewise, these two aren’t too bad. $25 and $30 for figures you will probably only buy one of is getting off fairly lightly on your way out of the GW store.
3 out of 5 stars
What is your take on the design of the entire Stormcast Eternal range so far?