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BREAKING: More NEW Tau Pics Spotted!

2 Minute Read
Sep 29 2015
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The French Connection has leaked the latest White Dwarf – Check it out!

Looks like the new Tau “Titan Killer” is on the cover and it’s full of the Angries!

via warhammer-forum user El Ploplo


WD 88 french

WD 88 french rules




These pages line up with what leaked yesterday and it’s no surprise the Stormsurge is on the cover. Any native french speakers want to take a crack at translating? I’d like to point out it does, in-fact  have a +3 save which was a little hard to read from the previous pics. And 4D6 str 5 ap 5 shots at BS 3 could sting some armies – but a lot of folks probably won’t care. But the really scary part is all those Stomping attacks a unit of these things will be able to pull off…


Like buddy always says, “It’s either gonna rain or it isn’t.” But in this case, it’s looking like a good idea to bring an umbrella!

Author: Adam Harrison
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