GEEKERY: Sphero’s BB-8 Home Edition

This cute little droid is loaded with some great tech… don’t tell me you don’t want one!
When the first Episode 7 teaser was released last November we got our first look at the newest member of the droid family: the BB-8. It had to be CG, right? Nope. For the sake of the production JJ Abrams went with a practical effect – something I think we’ve been happy to see a lot of in the production. In April we got a look at the full size model on the SWC main stage…
It was created by Neil Scanlan Studio with help from Boulder, Colorado based robotics company Sphero. Bob Iger (Disney’s CEO that made the Star Wars purchase in in 2012) mentored Sphero as part of Disney’s Accelerator program last year.
Beyond making movie history, Sphero makes fun consumer robots – like Ollie, which upgradable and programable:
They also have some larger side projects that enjoy wrecking children’s birthday parties:
And now they’re offering a mini BB-8 based on their robotic ball platform, so you can own your own…
So far the reviews on this little guy are positive – just be ready to clean off the rollers on the bottom of his head to keep him running smoothly, and keep him away from table edges. He’s even puppy approved!
You want it!? You can buy it online from Sphero or at these retailers!
Which Star Wars toys are you excited about – Lego kits, action figures, RC flyers?