GW: New Releases 9-5-2015 First Looks

Stormcasts get a new Battletome, some air support and a few fancy upgrades too!
Looks like the SigMarines are in full force! All the models we’ve known about are now up for order and they have a fancy new book too!
via Gamesworkshop
Battletome: Stormcasts Eternals
Stormcast Eternals: Prosecutors
Stormcast Eternals: Knight-Azyros/Knight-Venator
Celestial Warbringers Upgrades
Knight-Excelsior Upgrades
The upgrade packs are a curious concept. They could be used for some pretty cool conversions! Also that Knight Azyros kit totally has an “S” on orb in the lantern…it’s the little things that really make the model.
In brightest day…