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Infinity: Aleph & Haqqislam Boxed Sets Unboxed

4 Minute Read
Sep 3 2015
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000 Infinity Aleph Naffatun


Let’s look back a couple months and check out some of Infinity’s July releases.

Drakios Scylla

So here we are in September and everyone’s rightly buzzing about the USAriadna starter. It’s a beautiful kit, and we’ll have pictures of it for you to enjoy before you know it. But Aleph’s hottest new couple has everyone talking and it’s not like we can just ignore that. So who are Scylla and Drakios – or Scydra as TMZ has been calling them?

001 Infinity Aleph Naffatun

Here are all the pieces in the kit.

002 Infinity Aleph Naffatun

Scylla here is an instant favorite. I love how Corvus Belli has always taken the time to mix great original characters like Scylla into the mix with the more “standard” sci-fi fare like the giant robots and power armor. There aren’t many girls like Scylla in the minis game world.


003 Infinity Aleph Naffatun

I know the heels are a little out of place. But hey, she’s an android. Who are you to say she can’t fight in them.

004 Infinity Aleph Naffatun

Drakios is the inverse of Scylla: rough and intimidating. Probably smells like Old Spice.

005 Infinity Aleph Naffatun


If anything he fills out the spandex better than Scylla.

006 Infinity Aleph Naffatun

These models are a good deal older than the other two. A lot of Aleph robots are based on this frame.

007 Infinity Aleph Naffatun

I guess we can expect these sculpts to stay current for awhile. I just painted some for my Devas, so I guess it’s a little reassuring that they aren’t going to be released any time soon.


And since we were just talking about USAriadna, here are some folks that are super jealous of those twin light flamethrowers. Setting things on fire is supposed to be the Naffatûn’s job.


008 Infinity Aleph Naffatun

And here they are. Not sure why you’d need four, but this kit will make sure that no Haqqislam players ever find themselves without enough Naffatûn.

009 Infinity Aleph Naffatun

Like most four model infantry boxes, the Naffatûn share two torsos. Here are the ladies. I’ve always found that once they’re assembled you can hardly tell.

010 Infinity Aleph Naffatun

They are armed with the kind of awesome looking guns you can expect to find in Infinity. That’s the light Flamethrower on the top, heavy on the bottom.

011 Infinity Aleph Naffatun


There’s not much in the way of heads since they glue into those strange cowls.

012 Infinity Aleph Naffatun

Here’s a reverse to show the masked face.

0013 Infinity Aleph Naffatun

These guys could stand to iron their pants.

014 Infinity Aleph Naffatun

The guns are the same.


015 Infinity Aleph Naffatun

More cool faces and masks.

016 Infinity Aleph Naffatun

They come with standard Light Infantry Haqqislam backpacks.

017 Infinity Aleph Naffatun

I love the added touch of the padded arms. Makes them look like real firebugs.

~What do you guys think of this wave? Were you really looking forward to any of these releases?

Ben Williams
Author: Ben Williams
  • Wargames Gallery 8-27-2015 "Infinity Ambush"