IT’S A TRAP! Admiral Ackbar Comes to ARMADA

Today we take a close look at Admiral Ackbar and the upcoming massive Mon Calamari MC80 in Star Wars ARMADA.
The Basics
The MC80 is the big bad Rebel ship in the Wave 2 expansion for Star Wars Armada – and the big stick of the entire Rebel fleet.
The MC80
The MC80 is certainly a heavyweight. Clocking in with 8 hull, heavy shields, with plenty of upgrade slots – the ship will finally give the Rebel fleet something that can hang with the Imperial fleet for a slugging match. The 4 Squadron rating and 4 Engineering will make it an excellent fighter command platform, and keep those down shields coming back for more each turn.
As with the Imperial Class Star Destroyer, the MC80 can hang in a fight longer due to it’s new CONTAIN action:
Contain: A ship can spend this defense token to prevent the attacker from resolving the standard critical effect. The attacker can still resolve a non-standard critical effect, such as one granted by an upgrade card.
Then we move onto those IMPRESSIVE 6 dice broadsides. It’s not quite the top end 8-dice forward arc that the Imperial class Star Destroyers have, but the MC80 has TWO 6 dice arcs. Take a close look at the MC80’s base to see just wide those broadside arcs are. This ship really hearkens back to warships from the Age of Sail and you better bet Rebel Admirals will be using traditional naval formations and trying to cross the T on the Imperial fleet. With two firing opportunities per turn, I think we will be seeing MC80s running the gap between Imperial ships in line astern formation to rake them with heavy dual broadsides.
Enter the Admiral and Friends
Blissex is nice, but Ackbar is where it’s at. +2 red dice will give his MC80’s (where else would you put him) if it chooses to fire only broadsides some serious firepower. THAT’S 8 DICE People – TWICE!
Famous Ships
Next we move onto two of the named ships that come with the MC80 kit:
That’s a hard choice there, both the Home One and Defiance are solid choices.
Home One Expansion Pack $39.95
Featuring one large-size, pre-painted miniature MC80 star cruiser, two ship cards, three command dials, and fourteen upgrades, the Home One Expansion Pack gives the Rebel Alliance a ship that boasts battery armaments of six dice from both its left and right hull zones, making it capable of trading blow for blow with nearly any Imperial vessel and empowering a whole new set of tactics that you can employ in your battles for galactic freedom!
The MC80 is due out in Q4
Show the Imperial Fleet it has things to fear!