Rebel MC30 Comes to Star Wars ARMADA

Today we take a close look at the swift and powerful Mon Calamari MC30 frigate in Star Wars ARMADA.
The Basics
The MC30 is the smaller of the two Mon Cal Rebel ship in the Wave 2 expansion for Star Wars Armada – and looks to offer the Rebel fleet a new bag of tricks.
The MC30
The MC30 is an interesting ship for the Rebel fleet. It’s costed highly for a fragile ship with only 4 hull. For CR90 for example can be had for 39 points, compared to the 63-69 point CR30. But she has a lot of upgrades… like the 4 defence tokens composed of 2 evade and 2 redirects, which will make this a slippery eel of a ship for the Imperials to try to hammer down.
The ship boasts impressive shields for her size, and surprisingly heavy firepower, especially those impressive 5-dice wide-arc broadsides. She has a built in vulnerability – that large aft arc. Take a close look at the MC30’s base to see just wide those broadside arcs are. This ship really hearkens back to warships from the Age of Sail and you better bet Rebel Admirals will be using traditional naval formations and trying to cross the T on the Imperial fleet as with the larger MC80. With two firing opportunities per turn, I think we will be seeing MC30s running the gap between Imperial ships in line astern formation to rake them with heavy dual broadsides.
Famous Ships
Next we move onto two of the named ships that come with the MC80 kit:
The Foresight is only going to be more efficient and gets to use it’s potent shields to the full effect.
Odds & Ends
Now let’s take a look at some of the cards that come with the MC30. Turbolaser Reroute Circuits will make the Scout Frigate shooting smaller but more devastating while Ordinance experts will improve both models. Redundant shields will keep it coming back for more with fast regenerating shields (this will be a VERY POPULAR card), while Lando further adds to the ship’s defensive tricks.
In the end, the MC30 feels like a Battlecruiser – packing the armament of a larger ship onto the small nimble hull of a smaller one. You pay for the luxury, but a quick fast puncher like this could run circles around the plodding Imperial fleet. Just watch out for that hard Imperial counterpunch – because the MC30 can’t take what it can dish out.
MC30c Frigate Expansion Pack $29.95
One of the most powerful mid-level ships in the Galactic Civil War, the MC30c frigate presented a lethal combination of speed, high-powered armament, and advanced deflector shields.
Now this fast and nimble Rebel ship arrives to Star Wars: Armada in the MC30c Frigate Expansion Pack as a small-size vessel that can fire as many as five attack dice from its left and right hull zones. You’ll also find two command dials, ten upgrade cards, and all the tokens you need to bring this Rebel ship to battle.
The MC80 is due out in Q4
Float like butterfly, sting like a bee!