Sigmar’s Stormcast Army & Next Week’s New Minis Hints

Sigmar’s Stormcast Eternals are getting a new book this week and within it are hints of some remaining Age of Sigmar minis:
Here’s the basics of this week’s Battletome:
BATTLETOME: STORMCAST ETERNALS (152p hardback) 46€, 35£, 58$
18 Warscrolls, 9 Batallions Warscrolls 3 Scenarios. History/organization of the Stormcast Eternals.
Which got folks counting up models. Here is the list collated together so far by Warseer’s Archibald_TK & mashkeyboardgetusernam:
Lord Celestant
Lord Celestant on dracoth
Lord Castallant
Lord Relictor
Prosecutors (CC Versions)
Prosecutors (Ranged Versions)
Banner Bearer (hinted at for next week in the White Dwarf teaser)
Musician (hinted at for next week in the White Dwarf teaser)
Take a look at this image from the Age of Sigmar hardcover to see what that banner bearer and musician may look like:
The other question is whether the existence of the Stormcast Eternal Battletome means that there will be Khorne one as well?
Age of Sigmar Weekly Roundup
~We are getting closer to the Tau every day, but Sigmar still has some more gifts for us all.