D&D: Prestige Classes & Rune Magic Download

Wizards of the Coast roll out a PDF with the Rune Scribe Prestige Class for parties looking for something new.
“Many of the character concepts that were once prestige classes or paragon paths in earlier editions of D&D are now options available to 1st-level characters.
As such, prestige classes build on the game’s broad range of basic options to represent specialized options and unique training. The first of those specialized options for fifth edition D&D is the rune scribe—a character who masters ancient sigils that embody the fundamental magic of creation.
You can think of the material presented in this series as similar to the first wave of the fifth edition playtest. These game mechanics are in draft form, usable in your campaign but not fully tempered by playtests and design iterations. They are highly volatile and might be unstable; if you use them, be ready to rule on any issues that come up. They’re written in pencil, not ink. For these reasons, material in this column is not legal in D&D Organized Play events.
The material presented in Unearthed Arcana will range from mechanics that we expect one day to publish in a supplement to house rules from our home campaigns that we want to share, from core system options to setting-specific material. Once it’s out there, you can expect us to check in with you to see how it’s working out and what we can do to improve it.”
The PDF includes optional rules for:
Prestige Class: Rune Scribe
“A rune scribe masters the secrets of the runes of power—ancient sigils that embody the fundamental magic of creation. The giants were the first to master rune magic, though many other races eventually stole away or traded for that power.
Rune magic is exceedingly rare. Some of its secrets have been lost, and what lore remains is jealously guarded. Few rune scribes share their lore with others. Indeed, most rune scribes take on new students only if doing so allows them to gain access to a forgotten or missing rune.”
~What do you think of the rules and what Prestige class should they bring back next?