GEEKERY: The Great Star Wars Ticket Fiasco

Hello, my brothers and sisters in frustration… did you get your opening weekend tickets?
“It’ll be great, you can get your tickets as soon as the trailer shows up on tv!” – they said. Sure. After an hour of this from my local Alamo Drafthouse I gave up…
I decided to go with my second choice theater on Fandango…
At my wits end I got in my car, drove over to my choice Alamo Drafthouse theatre, and stood in line for over an hour like it’s 1985 and I was waiting for Phil Collins tickets…
And came home successful with a fist full to thermal paper granting passage to me, my kids, and some friends… and a hope that the 18th will prove worth my time. Grump aside: I am really looking forward to the 18th of December. That trailer is really promising!
When Fandango’s servers servers go down – you know it must have been a disturbance in The Force…
Share your ticket procurement nightmares in the comments… or, alternately, what you think of the new trailer.