GW: New Releases 10-17-2015 First Looks
The Tau Fire Warriors return and this time they are bringing Tidewall Rampart – the games first Mobile Fortification – with them!
The Tau are back and their new fortification is making a huge splash. Not only is this the first real non-imperial based fortification it’s also MOBILE!
via Games Workshop
Tau Empire Tidewall Rampart
Tau Fire Warriors
The Tau are certainly getting some new toys to go along with the rest of the Battlesuits. The big robots might win fights but boots on the ground win wars. I’m honestly excited about the Tidewall as a terrain feature more than anything else. We’ve only hadĀ Imperial based terrain for way to long. The Chaos versions were more of the same but with skulls/spikes/blisters/tentacles so I’m glad to see Games Workshop experimenting with the Xenos fortifications. I just hope they don’t make the Tidewall a limited run…
I guess I better brush up on the Fortification rules. Anyone know how to blow one of these things up!?