Infinity: August Releases Unboxed Part 2
Let’s turn back the clock a bit and take a close look at last August’s Infinity releases.
Here we are with October almost upon us, and I’m just now getting around to posting up pictures of these minis from last August.
We’ve seen an Igao before. This one has a Boarding Shotgun.
Also it’s a he. I think. Come to think of it I’m not even 100% sure if our genders even apply Tohaa. Shouldn’t be so anthropocentric.
Regardless, this guy gets one of those sweet “looks enough like a predator to give you a predator vibe but not enough that it just feels like a rip-off” helmets.
Another big dude for Yu-Jing. Make sure you read that “weapon” line carefully. That’s HMC, not HMG. This guy is packing a shoulder mounted Hyper-Magnetic Cannon.
That leg is as thick as most model’s torsos.
Why don’t any of my factions get the cool big dudes like this? Guess I gotta get to painting that Morat Agression Force one of these days.
And here he is. The single coolest guy in Infinity. Why? WHY?! You really need to ask me why mister “oh no I’m good I’ve got a bow” is the coolest guy in Infinity?
He also has the best hat.
And a shotgun. Somewhere…
~Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Is the Hardcase really the coolest guy or do you have a better candidate? No I don’t mean “has the best rules” I want to know the coolest guy.