Privateer Press: New Warmachine-Hordes Miniatures!

Come on in Warmachine Fans! Privateer has pulled the covers off 4 new awesome miniatures for Menoth, Cryx, Circle & Retribution.
Barathrum (Cryx, 1 Warjack) $59.99
Barathrum is a mechanized terror born from the nightmares of a lunatic, and Lich Lord Terminus has claimed this helljack as his own. Barathrum burrows with its massive talons to await its prey, then explodes from the ground to seize its victims and drag them screaming beneath the earth. Committing to slaughter with reckless abandon, the ’jack cleaves men in two with its talons and impales others on its tusks.
Hand of Judgement (Menoth, 1 Warjack) $59.99
Hand of Judgment exists for a single purpose: to execute the will of Feora, Priestess and Protector of the Flame. Armed with an immolator cannon and a massive mace, this mighty warjack brings Menoth’s cleansing fire against those arrayed against the Protectorate. Zealous in smiting its enemies, it has demonstrated a dangerous temper only Feora can keep in check. Wherever she treads, Hand of Judgment follows, eager to slip its leash to destroy those who displease its master.
The Death Wolves (Circle Orboros, 3 models) $39.99
Savage people living in the wilderness have long served the blackclads as foot soldiers, trading fealty to powerful druids in exchange for protection from the wilds. While many have distinguished themselves as mighty warriors, chieftains, and even spiritual leaders, perhaps none boast the renown or the infamy that attend the three dread warriors known as the Death Wolves. Sköll, Tala, and Caleb adhere to an ancient and barbaric form of Devourer worship. They are death cultists who venerate the Lord of the Feast, drawing power from their enemies by ripping out and devouring their still-beating hearts.
House Vyre Electromancers (Retribution, 3 models) $29.99
Not content to stand idly by as their myrmidons march to war, House Vyre has recently deployed its own seasoned electromancers. Arcanists trained for years under the tutelage of House Vyre’s most accomplished battle mages, electromancers have done much to further the house’s cause. The voltaic energies forced through their staves lash the battlefield with manipulated storms that arc deadly electrical surges from one target to the next. Warjacks collapse beneath overloaded systems, and scores of infantry fry where they stand.
~Which one’s your favorite? That is one interesting paintjob on Hand of Judgement.