40K: Farsight Dawn Blade Detachment Rules Arrive!

The Farsight Enclave’s Dawn Blade Detachment is here. See how commander Farsight’s “Decurion” stacks up to the rest!
Via Boomwolf on Advanced Tau Tactica 11-21-2015
And Boomwolf’s first impressions:
“Dawn Blade Contingent bonus-not nearly as good as hunter contingent.
AdvertisementCORE RETALIATION! OMGWTFBBQ, Now I need to get a broadside 😛
Dawn hunter cadre-nothing of note.
Air caste asset/allied advance-same old as kayon.
Counter strike-unimpressed.
Rapid insertion-trash. really. nothing compared to retaliation.
AdvertisementRanged Support-pretty amazing.
Piranha Wing-pretty damn cool. EDIT:actually broken as hell. especially with drone formations.
Ghostkneel Wing-confused by it. tau stopping enemy overwatch? huh?! (Probably added to codex formations, and not the dawn contingent)
Riptide Wing-brutal. outright brutal.
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Ethereal council-I don’t quite get why one would do that… (Probably added to codex formations, and not the dawn contingent)
Drone network-SKYNET IS ALIVE! MUHAHAHA! seriously, this is scary good. finally all the drones that tau players collected over the years became a true force to be reckoned with.
AdvertisementAir superiority-pretty cool actually. the jets themselves are not amazing-but with this? you OWN the skies.”
Monk’Ta Roundup
Full Formation details there – GO GO GO!!!
~So who’s your favorite Detachment – Dawn Blade, or Hunter Cadre?