40K: The Obsidian Knight Lives!

You just can’t keep a Freeblade down. Here’s the latest on the “I’m not dead” Freeblade in the Mont’ka campaign book:
Via Scanner 11-22-2015
Now here’s the interesting part:
At the climax of Kauyon, the Obsidian Knight was blasted into a deep crater of electical energy Gandalf-style, never to be seen again by massed Tau Stormsurge fire who literally blew out the ground beneath his feet. But apparently he will claw his way back into the fight with new special rules in the Mont’ka campaign book.
Let’s take a closer look at our favorite mysterious Imperial Knight:
Obsidian Knight (via Lexicanum):
Obsidian Knight is an Imperial Freeblade Knight.
Little is known about the Freeblade that some of the Astra Militarum call the Obsidian Knight. The first recorded sighting came during the Damocles Gulf Crusade over two hundred years ago. Out of nowhere strode the dark behemoth, covered in fell symbols. He single-handedly halted a Tau river crossing, and appeared in dozens of battles. The Knight disappeared by campaign’s end, remembered only in legend. Two centuries later, when the Tau general Commander Shadowsun launched her invasion of Agrellan, the Obsidian Knight appeared once again. Whether or not it was the same Knight is unknown, but it fought with the same zeal, leaving behind a wake of crushed and blasted Tau. Although the xenos eventually triumphed on Agrellan, the Obsidian Knight has since been sighted elsewhere, fighting alongside the Imperium.
Full Mont’Ka Roundup
~ We will have to read all of Mont’Ka to get the full story. But with his background and special rules – the Obsidian Knight has a serious bone to pick with the Tau Empire.