Move over Nagash – A giant new Archaon riding a giant winged mount just broke. GO GO GO!!!
via 75hastings69 on Warseer 11-6-2015
regarding it’s arrival time: I “think” week after HH.
Looking at it some more I quite like the heads of the “dragon” or whatever it’s meant to be, in fact if I were still into GW some of these would be fantastic for Daemon prince conversions.
Archaon himself doesn’t really look good to me. What I do find strange is the absence of slaanesh pretty much everywhere, but on Archaon’s Shield I can clearly make out the slaanesh symbol along with the other 3.
Also for the keywords on his rules it says “Chaos, Daemon, Mortal Khorne, Nurgle, SLAANESH, Tzeentch, Everchosen” so it would appear Slaanesh is not totally gone.
In fact having now had a good long look I think this almost looks like a resposed Mutalith Beast or whatever it was called, but with 2 tails, wings and 3 heads.
There is a picture where he is fighting some liza…. seraphon so I guess there might be a campaign book or whatever they’re called.
AdvertisementSo it’s Dorghar… weird…
~Look for this after Horus Heresy!