Dark Age: Forsaken, CORE, Kulkulkani Unboxed
Let’s have a peek at these cool new toys for the Forsaken C.O.R.E. and Kukulkani.
This is kind of a key piece for C.O.R.E. I’m sure all the robot players will be delighted to finally field them.
While it’s no Kabrakan, it’s a fairly large piece with legs around 2.5″ tall.
This close-up reveals a a good amount of detail.
This sprue contains the feet and some optional crystal growths. Those have been sprouting off the C.O.R.E. minis for awhile now.
Now the torso. This side will be largely covered by that mask/faceplate thing hence the minimal detail.
And of course the other side is suitably more elaborate.
Now this is a little more my speed. A giant flying robo snake for my Kukulkani.
Another all resin kit.
All the surfaces are very textured so the miniature matches the distressed style of the art.
This is the front of that same piece.
The head and tail.
Mechano wings.
I had to go back and look at the picture, but these apparently go under the main wings.
I know it might seem a little unnecessary, but I felt like I had to get a separate shot of the lower jaw and all the cool peg teeth.
Man you gotta love these crazy flamethrower ladies and their impossibly perfect hair. How do you run around in the desert with a Flamethrower and still keep it feathered like that? I guess someone must have dug up some perfect hair technology when they were out there in the desert salvaging for cool new weapons.
Here are all the pieces you’ll find in a Firestorm blister.
Our first firestorm is too busy to stop for a blowout on the way to purge the unclean every morning, so she’s getting by with a ponytail. Which is totally fine. I don’t care what your hair looks like as long as you burn the thing that’s trying to kill me.
Here’s a look from the other side.
A flamethrower and 70s hair; what’s not to love? It’s cool, you could shave that head and we’d still love you because you burn the enemies of the Forsaken.
Having now glued this model together, I will admit that the whole head attached to the fuel tank thing did make for a somewhat trying assembly. Just do a lot of dry-fitting beforehand. You might have to file away a little flash, but with some of care, you’ll find the hair covers most of the gap.
Such hair!
This Firestorm and the last could almost be twins. She’s not smoking a cigarette. That bit is like a handle I guess that connects to the side of the gun.
And again, the other side.
More hair close-up!
You’ve seen Kelly, Sabrina, and Jill, but there was a fourth Angel that was too edgy for 1970’s television. The Nielsen ratings people found Melinda’s mohawk didn’t play well in the midwest, so her character was cut from the show.
But in Dark Age you can make her the Firestorm Leader, and everything will be awesome again.
So that was a lot of pictures. But what about the Coils and Banes? Well I already got some pictures of those as part of my “hey look at all this cool stuff I brought back from Gencon series.” Click here for shots of the Banes, and click here for shots of the Coils. I’ve been hard at work painting these Forsaken, so here is a shot of my own painted Coils, with Diskmaster (center) sold separately.
I should have put them in front of a neutral background.
~Hope you enjoyed the article. Has anyone else picked up these new Dark Age releases?