Games Workshop’s Black Friday Prices – AT LAST!
Over two dozen deals are revealed! Come see all the HOT deals from Games Workshop for Black Friday weekend!
Via Imgur
We have about 25 deals in store and another 40 online only deals. With this many, theres should be something fro almost anybody, no matter what you collect!
So it looks like the rumors were true, there is quite a few special Black Friday “deals” in the form of bundles both online and at your local Games Workshop store. It’s unclear at this time if they will come separately boxed or all on sprue in one box. I would imagine the in-store items may perhaps be made from the a la carte boxes off the shelf.
Tau Empire Retaliation Cadre $215
Even the brand new Tau get this bundle that goes live on Saturday as well. If you run this numbers on this one, the Riptide’s FREE!
So get you holiday wallet ready and stop by or login to GW this holiday weekend! GW has finally waded into the waters of Black Friday like every other retailer on the planet – and BoLS is happy to see them testing out the waters. Let’s hope its a trend that continues.
See anything on that list that strikes your fancy?