Ninja Division: Super Dungeon Legends Kickstarter Ending SOON!

The Super Dungeon Legends Kickstarter ends today, November 11st at 2:00pm CST!
Time is running out – Join the over +5800 backers, get in early and get CRAZY amounts of Super Dungeon Explore LOOT!
Over $1,167,000 pledged on a goal of $80,000!
Soda Pop Miniatures and Ninja Division Publishing are happy to announce the now FUNDED Super Dungeon® Legends Kickstarter! This exciting Kickstarter will feature three brand new products in a single pledge: Super Dungeon® Explore: 2nd Edition, The Midnight Tower level expansion, and Super Dungeon® Legends boxed set.
Super Dungeon® Explore: 2nd Edition, brings players the rules from our highly successful Forgotten King expansion, in an all new affordable boxset. The ruleset has been updated to include all of the errata and clarifications from the last year of player feedback, and will continue to be fully playable with all existing cards. Super Dungeon® Explore: 2nd Edition, features new sculpts of the nine classic Heroes, all new kobolds, drakes, Rex the kobold ogre, and Starfire the Ruby Dragon. The classic Dragonback Peaks tiles have been updated and reimagined, featuring all new stunning art, to bring them in line with other 2nd Edition tilesets from Forgotten King, Von Drakk Ghost House, and Dungeons of Crystalia. To further increase replayability, all monsters come with multiple profiles. Battle shadow kobolds from the depths of the Nether Rifts, elemental drakes from the Fire Flows, a mighty armored kobold ogre, among others!
The Midnight Tower level expansion reveals the dreaded armies of The Midnight Queen. Armies of baroque-armored Nether Elves issue forth from the corrupted Tower of the Goddess. Within their ranks, cursed Spider Speakers summon scuttling hordes of spiders, spinning webs of shadow and poisoning their foes. Alongside them march powerful Knights of the Tower on spectral steeds, while Tower Stalkers lurk in the shadows weakening the mightiest Heroes, before their fellows strike the final blow. Three new Heroes take up the call to adventure: the rugged Hearthsworn Tincan, sneaky Cat Burglar, and brutal Riftling Warrior.
Super Dungeon® Legends is the centerpiece of this mighty Super Dungeon® extravaganza. Legends introduces progressive campaign play to Super Dungeon® Explore. Heroes battle through adventures earning crystals to spend on powerful new skills and abilities. Advance in class to unlock even more powerful versions. Dismantle your loot and treasure to craft bizarre and wondrous new items, under the watchful gaze of the Golden Eye of the Goddess. Two new and powerful dice are introduced—Citrine and Amethyst—providing new possibilities to combat. New smaller dungeon rooms and hallways make their debut, increasing the diversity of dungeon layouts. If you have always wanted to roleplay in the world of Super Dungeon®, Legends provides rules for narrative adventures, nonplayer characters, and out-of-combat skills. An all new world guide further expands on the realms, races, monsters, and personalities of Crystalia.
Jump in and get a BUNCH of Backer LOOT!